Production Project- Session 4



Sound Design

Intention (SMART Goal)

By March 2nd, as the sound designer on team 1, I will make two mechanically triggered sounds by following videos on game music theory and will have created two sounds that fit into the game for our session 4 project.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

Toby Fox

Toby Fox’s work on the soundtrack from Undertale is very inspiring to me and stands out from many other game soundtracks. Undertale’s catchy music stays with many people after playing the game and is used all over.

Training Source(s)

Video 2 notes-

Play with how the notes sound

Creating delay effects

Adjust the depth of notes

Change up the waves and octaves

Envelopes to help notes fall off rather than an abrupt stop

Adding reverb adds a lot

layered notes and harmonies

Project Timeline

February 7th to March 2nd [SESSION 4]

Add +5 seconds per level

Animated Fog Effect

Volume Slider In Menus

Moving Rocks

Bumping Sounds

Fixing Wall hit-boxes

Changing Visuals/Sound w/time

3rd Level

4th Level


Proposed Budget


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)


Skills Commentary

Through this session I added the bump sound effect to our game, there was lots of trouble with this task as the sound was bugged every time I put it in the game. It was often glitchy and sounded different from the sound effect I had made originally. I problem solved to come up with the best solution I could possibly make.


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Through session 4 I used critical thinking and problem solving to come up with solutions for difficulties I came across in sound design and with the entire game. With many bugs and glitches, there was lots of compromising and adjusting the team and I had to do.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

I worked with my team by communicating with them anytime one of us gets on Construct. We shared information and ideas to keep a consistent theme for the game.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

I used soundtrap to make the song and sound effects. As a team, we used Construct to make the game.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

This project increased my ability to collaborate with the people on my team and problem-solve issues.

Reactions to the Final Version

“I liked how parts of the smart goal were highlighted.” -Michelle Advisory Member.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

I achieved my goal of making two mechanically triggered sounds and I think they fit well in the game, I got good feedback from my team and peers for the work I had done.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

Over this month I learned to think out of the box for solutions to difficult problems. Struggling with making the audio sound right or as close to right as possible this session was not easy but by making sounds quieter, trying different versions, and muting other sounds I made improvements to the bump sound effect.

Grammar and Spelling



Jacen Bratcher

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